Breaking the Barriers

The definition of discontentment in my own words would be that I’m unhappy with my current life situation. I have been the utmost blessed to say the least. My husband is one of a kind that puts up with my craziness lol; nonetheless, we remain strong and united. My tiny humans are healthy, talented, and intelligent. I have a great job, and great friends. Life is good.

But why do I find myself, upset and dissatisfied? Maybe because I’m not where I think I should be. I’ve wasted a lot of time trying to fit in, trying to find myself, overthinking, living with fear of rejection, that I feel that I haven’t grown enough. Which we should never stop growing, that’s continuous. If not that, then maybe because I’ve had my idea of how life should go, and it didn’t end up that way, so I thought that it was wrong. Many things have happened in my life and one thing is for sure, all things happen for a reason; but to mention that not getting what I wanted was very much a good thing.

But if I know all this, then why would I still be discontent? Maybe because I thought that I had a choice, maybe I thought that I could’ve changed something, maybe because I feel that I am a failure, or a disappointment. Let me say this now, no one has ever told me these things; this is just what I have come up with. They say we are our own worst critics and I definitely am the worst. Might I add that satan is real, and no matter what, he will try to tempt you into thinking that the grass is greener on the other side; he will also distract you from spending time with God, by making you think that what you do is never enough, or even that you aren’t doing enough, that you have to be busy.  DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT give in to the lies! Fight back when thoughts try to cloud your mind, or even when people say that you will never be enough, that you are a failure, that you will never succeed, its all a lie! Keep pushing forward, even if you are alone!

As fear tries to creep in, I am reminded of Joshua 1:9 NKJV “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”No matter what I’ve been through or what I go through, God has never left me. He was always there, helping me and guiding me. All the times that I thought I was alone, when I think that I have to do things alone, when I think that I’m not strong enough, or smart enough, or when I don’t think I make the cut, God has always been there to see me through.

After every test and trial, I automatically go back into hiding, and I think to myself, “Well God got me through that, but next time, He’s going to leave me for sure”. I think that at some point He will leave me, at some point, I’ll be looking stupid, at one point I will fail and won’t measure up. But that’s not the case, nor will it ever be!! All you have to do is believe and have faith! No matter what your situation is, don’t give up! God is listening and hears you.

If you have given your life to God and have strayed away, thinking you are too far gone, I’m here to tell you that you are never too far to where God cannot reach you! I am the perfect example! He gives you the freedom to choose but He wants you back! Pray this prayer with me: Heavenly Father, forgive me of my sins, I’m sorry that I strayed away, thinking that I could do this without you, because I can’t. Please come back into my life. I want you to heal me, fill me up with your Holy Spirit, and put me back on the right path. In Jesus name I pray, amen!

If you are not a believer of Jesus Christ, I encourage you to get to know Him! All of your problems won’t go away, but God will show you how to deal with them, He will guide you and lead you and love you, no matter what you do! He does not judge you, you are His child, and He loves you unconditionally!

If you don’t have a personal relationship, please pray this prayer with me: Heavenly Father, I’m a sinner and I have fallen short. I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day. I believe that the plan and purpose you have for me is greater than what I have for myself. Please come into my heart and make me over again. I believe in you and I am saved. In Jesus name, amen!

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Your life is important and you are important and are needed in God’s kingdom! Thank you for who you are. God loves you and I love you, and we need you to stay in the fight!

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