Be encouraged

Dealing with someone passing away is never easy. Even when you think that you are at peace, and that you have accepted it, there is still this uneasy feeling that you have. My grandmother passed away, and even though I know that she is in a better place, I find myself questioning God. Why this or why that, but no matter what the answer is, it wont stop me from wanting her back.

But, just like this situation, my heart hurts for so many reasons, such as: dealing with losing someone prior, helping someone out and it doesn’t go the way that you planned, or just being exhausted from doing too much. Instead of trying to deal with it properly and ask for help or encouragement, my pride gets in the way and I began to shut everyone out. My heart screams for attention, but I choose to cry my eyes out, when no one is around. Then I try to put on a mask to cover it up like makeup, by my actions always give it away.

That doesn’t solve anything though. It makes you bitter and angry and it’ll show up, one way or another, in everything that you do. In the end, it may cause you to feel like you want to give up, and stay to yourself. But, there are so many people out there that could use your help, your smile, your words of encouragement, or to know that they are not alone, etc. They can’t get that if you give up, they cant get that if you stay to yourself, and they cant get that if you push everyone away.

I’m sure we all have experienced those moments, when someone tells us something a million times, and it clicks when we hear it from someone totally different. So, I want to encourage you as I encourage myself to not let life get you down! Here are a few tips to help you along the way:

  • Find a person of peace (someone that you can vent to)
  • Seek guidance from a pastor, counselor, trusted friend if you can
  • Make a schedule, and block out moments to relax
  • If you already have a schedule, what can you take out of it to put your mind at ease (make adjustments)
  • Write positive sayings, etc on sticky notes and index cards and post them where you can see them
  • Make a vision board to get you motivated
  • Adjust eating habits, and exercise
  • Get a hobby or craft

Feel free to comment and let us know what you do to encourage yourself, or others, to keep moving forward and also how you deal with grief.

Thank you for who you are. God loves you and I love you, and we need you to stay in the fight!

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