Letter #9

Thank You Lord for my husband, who is made in Your image. Thank You for his growth, humility, strength, wisdom, and knowledge. Thank You for his life.

I am ungrateful. I am not appreciative. I’m not counting up the cost.

You have favored me. I started looking at what everyone else is doing and saying and being. I started getting upset by their actions. I’ve started fighting a spiritual battle physically instead of on my knees in prayer.

The more ashamed of it I became, the more upset I have become instead of casting my cares on You. I kept getting upset and trying to change those around me.

One thought on “Letter #9

  1. Hello. You are thanking the Lord for blessing you with a great partner. By thanking Him for your blessings with this wonderful person (as you describe him) you are showing how appreciative you are. It’s the heart that our Heavenly Father see, not what man will demand/see. Please continue your journey with our Heavenly Father as He guides you. You are worthy. You are more than a conqueror. You are VICTORIOUS!!!

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