Letter #5

Daddy, I feel ashamed. I took off and stored my armor (Ephesians 6:10-16). Thinking that I could last more than a moment without it. Thank You for Your grace and mercy. I don’t deserve either. I wouldn’t have made it if it wasn’t for Your Son, and Your Holy Spirit. I want to get to know You. I want to understand Your Word. I want to understand and obey You. Fear has no place in me. Thank You for the women that have poured into me, also for everyone at bible study. I pray that everything will be given to them 100-fold and then double for their trouble.

Lord, I love You. I need You. I can’t do this without You. Forgive me for crucifying Your Son, over and over again. I don’t want to be the same anymore. I want to change. I want to be different. I have to admit, I see that there are things that others deal with that make me afraid. Like my children getting sick, them getting hurt, picked on, etc. I’m afraid of them getting attacked. Help me to remain in You and encourage my family to do the same. Help me to be who You’ve called me to be. Help me do what You have called me to do. Help me to walk with Holy Ghost boldness. Help me to talk in Your truth. Help me to now be afraid. Help me to remain in You. I don’t want to say help me to be humble because that ain’t nothing to play with. But give me wisdom to know when I need to humble myself and the knowledge and guidance.

Please restore me. Please forgive me of my sins. Please help me to walk in Your ways. I repent of my sins in thought, word, and deed. I repent because I get weary. I repent because I thought I had everything figured out. I repent because I stopped fighting and got distracted. I repent because I became impatient. I repent because I stopped trusting and believing in You. I stopped believing in Your Word. I stopped fighting spiritually and started fighting physically. I stopped searching for Your truth. I was not a doer but a hearer of the word and the good things. Not applying what I learned. Getting puffed up but never changing. But here I am. Reconcile me back to You. Make dry bones come alive. Restore back all that the enemy has stolen from me and my husband and our entire families. Please help me.