Letter #17

Dear God, here I am again.


I have come to the end of myself again. Trying to fight my own battles didn’t work out and I became mentally exhausted.


I thank You for being God. I thank You for knowing everything about me and still loving me. I thank You for still caring about me and pursuing me even when I wanted to be left alone. Thank you for knowing everything that I would ever do but still choose to send Your One and only Son to die on the cross for my sins, so that I can be in right relationship with you. I praise you that I can come to you just how I am. Thank You for Your grace and mercy.



I admit that I am a control freak lol. I always want things to go my way. I get upset when they don’t. I get upset when I fail at something that I thought I would master. I get upset at people for showing me who they are. I get upset that I can’t always get it right. I confess that I have tried to figure life out on my own. I confess that I took that very thing out of Your hands that I told you I would let go and that I made it up in my mind that I would surrender it to you. But…I picked it back up again. I confess that I really try to wrap my head around how much You love me. Usually end up drifting away from you, thinking that You shouldn’t love someone like me. I confess that I’ve tried to be God and handle everything on my own. That’s too much work, and I don’t want that responsibility. I ask for your forgiveness. Please guide me and lead me. I repent and turn from my ways and ask you to order my steps.



I thank You for loving me. I thank you for hearing my prayers and answering my prayers, even if it was a no, not yet, or wait. I thank my family. I thank You for making a way out of no way. I thank You for calling me by my name and not by my sin. I thank You for watching over me even when I was a rebellious teenager, thinking that I had it all together. I thank You for my husband and my children. I thank You for taking care of us, even through the rough times of the kids getting sick, whether it was just a 24 hour bug or bronchitis. I thank you for comforting me through the death of my mom and my grandmother, the two hardest times of my life. I thank You for the transformation that I am going through. I thank you for surrounding me with amazing people along my journey. I am a handful, but you strategically place those along the way that know how to deal with me. I thank You for what You are going to do in my life and those around me.  



I pray for forgiveness of any sin that I have committed willingly and unknowingly that would hinder my prayers. I pray that I can be a bright light to those around me. I pray that I will embrace my journey, not running from the process no matter how challenging it gets. I pray for those around me that are dealing with issues and have unspoken prayer requests. I pray for those that feel like they are too far gone, that they will hear Your voice and return to you. I pray that a hedge of protection be built around the children, watch over them in the schools, raise up the younger generation to make a change in this world. I pray that you open the wombs of those that are struggling to conceive. Regardless of if they are struggling to conceive and even those that choose to adopt for many reasons, remind them that they aren’t less than because they can’t conceive or have to choose another route to parenthood. I pray for those that are desiring marriage. That while they are waiting, that You send encouragement their way of what You have in store for them and that You haven’t forgotten about them. I thank You and praise you for hearing my prayers. I believe that even now, you are moving. In the mighty, matchless name of Jesus I do pray, Amen.


ACTS prayer model