Letter #15

There is so much that I want to do and need to do. My mind will start running. But here I am. I am here. I am Yours and You are mine. I love You Lord. I’m almost 30 and I feel like I have learned things late. But, I want to be obedient. I pray for your daughter. I pray that she knows the crown that You have placed on her head. She is your daughter. You are the Highest King.

I don’t want to depend on my emotions. I fully surrender my plans to You. My plans to retire from the military at 20 years. My plans to become a WO and submit my package and take the ASVAB. All in reverse order. I submit my will, Your will be done. I submit to the will You have for my husband. I don’t know how real the depth and width of what I am saying is but I want to know. In the mighty name of Jesus. I pray Amen.

(Disclaimer: Combining a letter)

Daddy! Good morning. Thank you for waking me up this morning. Yesterday was emotionally out of whack for me. There is so much I need to do. Write blogs, work on my idea that I had for church. I get nervous again. I don’t know how to make everything come together. I fully surrender again today.

I ask for wisdom and guidance. I ask that You guide and lead me. I want to get everything right. I want to do Your will. I don’t want to be afraid. I don’t want to run and hide. I don’t feel like doing anything but I know that there’s work to be done in Your kingdom.