IF I Told You My Story

If I told you my story,

Would it really help you?

The pages are filled with insecurities,

BOLDED WORDS about things I don’t measure up to.

If I told you my story, I wouldn’t want you to worry.

Because I’ve had the time to fix things,

But I lose patience then I try to hurry.

If I told you my story,

Would you get a breakthrough?

Would you be more like me?

Or more like you?

I’m not so perfect,

I’m more like imperfection,

And when I look into a mirror

Brokenness is my reflection.

Abut there’s someone inside of me,

hiding, it’s the person I tried to be.

I tried to be myself, but I feel lost,

And really, I just want to flee.

When times get hard,

The road gets tough.

I lose myself,

then I give up.

I don’t like how I am.

I’m not supposed to be different.

But aint that the point

I don’t know, I think I missed it.

I feel insecure, I don’t have confidence.

there’s fear of the unknown

to top it off, I make simple mistakes.

in the end, I just want to be alone.

It’s sad though.

I focus so much on my weakness.

But what about all the great things about me

At this point I’m speechless

Well, I love to encourage others.

That’s not so bad.

Oh! I love to write to

I just go when the pen hits the pad.

Add in that I care.

I want to see the best in others.

Its kinda weird though

Because I start acting like their mothers

I’m always happy.

Except when I freak out, then I get focused.

Oh! Then I start to overthink

Then here I go again, I start to get nervous.

But If I told you my story

I would be all over the place.

But I wouldn’t be here.

Without God’s grace

My story is a mess.

But I know the painter.

He’s making me His masterpiece

And it couldn’t be greater.

If I told you my story

About how I survive.

I wouldn’t know where to start.

I just may start to cry.

I’m not perfect.

But I hope it helps you.

To see that even in the midst

To God it’s not an issue

Because my history

Is (His)tory

This book is not that bad.

To God be all the glory