Go back

Oh, silly me

How could you overwhelm yourself with works?

Then tag God’s name to it

As if he signed off with his blessing

Only for you to blame him for your burdens

And cling to him only when it benefitted you

Did you know,

That obedience is better than sacrifice?

Did you know that God can do in a minute?

What you can do in a lifetime

Did you ever pause to think about it

Or did you choose not too

Because you were in a hurry

Only to find that those works

Didn’t fulfill you

And now you are back to where you started

At his feet, asking for your forgiveness

Only to speak change with your lips

And lead your own life with your actions

Oh how tiring you must be

When you pray only in times of trouble

As if God wasn’t also protecting you

From things you could not see

But you became confident in yourself

Then your heart became bitter

Then you decided not to take responsibilities for your actions

God never left you as you think

So, will you spend eternity

Trying to fulfill your own void

Only to come up empty

Or will you run back to his feet?