
Here I was again, getting caught up with the details, while my peace was being destroyed.

Luke 10:40 But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.”

Don’t you hate it when that happens? When you’ve been anticipating something happening that you’re so excited about but then everything starts to go wrong?

That is my current situation, and it has been going on for like FOREVER. Shame on me, I know. I always think I have things under control, but as time gets closer, I quickly tell myself that I’m too calm! Yikes!

This happens to me way too often. I want everything to be in order. I don’t want to miss anything. But I get so overwhelmed that I start tripping over my own feet or do that thing where I mentally stop breathing and start hyperventilating.

My husband is the calmer one in life. I asked him why he’s not concerned with certain things and he told me that he’s not worried about the little stuff. Like, add to my list of things to freak out about, why don’t you?

There’s no doubt that I’m Martha and my husband is the male version of Mary, hehe.

As we continue to read the next two verses it says, 41 And [a]Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”

Martha got distracted after she opened her home to Jesus and His disciples. Her sister Mary, instead of helping with preparing to host their guests, decided to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to him. Truth be told, if Jesus entered my home, I too wouldn’t wait to listen for what He was going to say. I, like Martha, would be so concerned with having the perfect meal and perfect plates.

But, like Martha, in being so concerned with the details of life, we miss important instructions from the One who writes our story. I will even say things like, “Okay Lord, I’ll listen in a second, but I have to finish this first.”

I get so caught up with the details that I miss spending time with my family, or sending an encouraging message to someone that’s been on my heart. I miss the things that God is trying to do in my life.

Now I’m sitting here, burnt out, no energy to fight effectively because I have used it all up on worrying about the details.

Now I have no peace, and I’m at my whits end and fussing at my husband and kids because I’m stressed about things that could have been prevented if I wouldn’t have gotten distracted.

I miss the “God moments”, I miss the growth, and I miss the chance to hear from God or the signs that my prayers were answered. I miss it all, and I sacrifice my precious time that I could be using to rest for doing meaningless things that have empty rewards.

If this is you today, and you are feeling distracted, I encourage you to get to a quiet place of peace to reset. I also encourage you to seek out Godly wisdom from friend that could help you get back on track. Most importantly I encourage you to pray and ask God to give you wisdom, knowledge and understanding on getting back on the right track. It’s never too late!

Feel free to like, comment on ways to fight distractions and subscribe! Your life is important and you are important and are needed in God’s kingdom! Thank you for who you are. God loves you and I love you, and we need you to stay in the fight!