Time Stand Still

Time stands still

I don’t know what to say

It was good before

I don’t want it this way

Time stand still

I need more of it

I need to tell you I love you

I’m selfish, I admit


Because I wanted you to stay

We had more to talk about

Our change and growth

And our fears and doubts


Our ups and downs

Our highs and lows

Our walks with God

We were both getting better I know


I saw you change

I saw your progress

So, this is hard to accept

This is hard to digest


I want time to standstill

between your transition to glory

I want to see you one last time

I want to hear your story


Of how you overcame

Of how you got the victory

Time please stand still

This is not easy


I can’t undo this

No matter how hard I try

I have so many questions

I don’t understand why


But what I do understand

Is that we got to be together

And I know heaven is your home

Now you can rest in eternity, forever



7 thoughts on “Time Stand Still

  1. You are amazing and I am so glad that our paths have crossed and that God has allowed me to mentor and be a surrogate mother to you! I love you and miss you guys!

    1. Ms Kizzy!! Thank you so much for the needed tough love, honesty, and guidance! We love and miss y’all too!!

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